Sarah has also been busy trying new foods. Although Sarah will eat peas, squash, and carrots, she likes them much more when they are mixed with bananas. Sarah also enjoyed having a play date with her friend Megan on Friday.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Sarah's First Christmas
Sarah has also been busy trying new foods. Although Sarah will eat peas, squash, and carrots, she likes them much more when they are mixed with bananas. Sarah also enjoyed having a play date with her friend Megan on Friday.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Sarah's Christmas Portraits

I am sure all of you alert blog readers will notice the other changes to the website. A new family picture has finally been loaded up and of course it represents our failed attempt at using our camera on a timer. There was pretty much no chance that we were going to get Sarah and the dogs all looking at the camera at the same time, but it sure was fun to try (maybe the first 10 times it was fun). Anyway, our Christmas cards will be something different this year and we can enjoy this first family picture on our blog.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Sarah's Christmas Out Takes
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
So Who Else Likes Prunes?
Sarah has been having a pretty interesting week so far. She hadn't filled her diaper for quite a few days so the nurse told us to mix in some prunes with her rice cereal. It worked like a charm...Sarah really liked them and within a few hours mommy had a stinky load to take care of. I imagine that Joella will start trying some other foods for Sarah from now on.
Sarah has now worked up to a full sized high chair and a new bouncy seat. She likes them both, but Joella had to rig them up since Sarah is still so small.
And yes, that is poor Sarah being subjected to a Chiefs outfit. Even Sarah can't bring the Chiefs good luck. Maybe they will be respectable again when Sarah is a little older.
One of Sarah's favorite tricks is laying on her back all quiet when suddenly she giggles, hikes up her legs, and then flips over really quick. Here is a good picture of her in the middle of her giggle-roll...
Monday, December 8, 2008
More Pictures From Thanksgiving Weekend
Munching on some cereal...
Get this Raiders hat off of me!
Maggie and Aunt Lisa enjoying lunch.
Grandma holding on to the little squirmer.
Chayton loves to hold Sarah...
Staci trying to keep the drool off of her sweater...but she's used to it!
I'm sure that this innocent red-haired girl (Amelia) will never get into trouble with Sarah...
Maggie with her pack of dingos.
Sarah checking out her baptismal lamby from Grandma.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Pictures From Sarah's Baptism
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Our Squirming Cutie
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving
Sarah's little cough has gone away, but now Joella and I both have colds. I guess that we better start getting used to it, but hopefully it won't last all weekend. Sarah went to the doctor this week for another shot and she weighed in at 12 pounds and 14 ounces. She's getting so big!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Happy Six Month Birthday!
Our little cutie sure keeps us on our toes with all of the story times and adventures around the house in the Baby Bjorn. We can't even imagine how crazy it will be when Sarah starts crawling and walking.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
More Puppy Dog Pictures
And a few cute pictures of Miss Sarah playing on the floor...