The past week has gone very well, but we are still getting our routines fine tuned. Joella is amazed how much work there is not having to work anymore. Today Joella went into work for a few hours and officially turned in her badge. I know that Joella will miss her friends at Honeywell, but nothing can be fun as our little cutie...especially after only 3 straight hours of sleep a day.
Sarah has continued to do well at every doctor checkup and hopefully she will be close to 7 pounds by her next visit this Friday. Sarah has moved into her big crib in the nursery and overnight she manages to sleep for almost 4 straight hours so that is a great improvement for Joella's sleep. Joella takes most of the feedings since she has the equipment, but I do give bottles when mommy is all wiped out.
Here is a picture of our cutie when she is nice and alert...

Here is Miss Sarah letting us know that she is hungry. She either wants mommy or a bottle, and you better be quick otherwise you get grunts and lots of squirming...

Sarah will manage to gnaw on her hand for a short while, but when she's hungry, she wants to eat now!

Finally, here are a couple of pictures of our cutie in her big crib...