Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A February Update

Sarah has been growing quite a bit over the past month and unfortunately for mommy, so has her attitude. Sarah still sleeps very well at night, but nap times are much more of a wild card. Sarah also creates quite an adventure during breakfast, lunch, and dinner. She definitely does not mind getting messy, but at least she will eat most foods on most days.

As always, here is your most favorite thing about the blog...

That cute smile is surely going to help her get away with some stuff growing up.

Sarah is not getting close to crawling yet, instead she likes to just squirm around and do the "airplane".

Sarah playing with her learning puppy. She still needs a little help from the pillow to stay sitting up.

Sarah hanging out with Grandma Patty.

Mollie and Sarah checking each other out.

Here is a flashback to when Mollie first checked Sarah out the day we brought her home from the hospital.

Sarah has finally outgrown her booster and she can now officially jump off of the floor! If you notice, the picture shows the point right when Sarah flung the chain out of her hand and squealed.

Sarah has also officially grown up to the big girl tub.

Hey Anne...Sarah also loves her soft little chick. Is this picture better than pictures of prunes on her face and stories about dirty diapers?

Sarah even agreed to pose with her cute little chick.

Dad still is not too sure about this business of inviting boys over (especially a boy that has a shirt on that says "Let's Get Wild" on it), but I guess that I will have to start getting used to it. Of course I am just kidding and Sarah played very well with Ben today (he was born a week after Sarah).


Happy Fun Pants said...

She is sooooo cute! I can't wait to see her next month! :)

And yes - these pictures are way better with the one with the prunes. Seriously, I might get therapy for it. :)

And I'm glad she likes the chick...it was too cute to pass up. :)

Anonymous said...

Cute pic of our babies together! Aww, Ben's shirt is all talk. He is not too wild, not yet anyways :) Plus, he is property of mom 4-EVER. Ha ha! We had fun. -Hilary