Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Busy Miss Sarah...

Sarah has been keeping busy since we returned to Kansas City from our vacation. Before Halloween, she even got to feed some goats (with Cheyenne's help of course) at the pumpkin patch. Sarah has gotten good enough with this that she can give Mollie and Lucy their puppy treats with just a little help from either mom or dad.

Sarah really enjoyed Aunt Lisa's visit last week and she was so excited to get her first pair of Dora jammies!

Here is a cute picture of Sarah snuggling with Aunt Lisa before bedtime.

Sarah was sick with the flu last week so she really just wanted to watch cartoons with Snuggle Bunny.

Before Aunt Lisa left, though, Sarah wanted to show off her new big girl bathrobe.

Of course even after bathtime, Sarah insisted on reading Dora one more time before going to bed...

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