Sunday, June 22, 2008

Sarah the Sweetheart Keeps Growing

Sarah is now up to 3 pounds and 11 ounces and she continues to feed very well. The doctors are now also having Sarah stay on the nasal tube for 9 hours and she only has to endure 3 hours on the CPAP mask. Mommy was also able to give Sarah a sponge bath today and she didn't fuss too much at all. Below is a picture of Sarah snoozing peacefully before snuggle time with mom and dad today. In this picture, she had a good grip of daddy's snuggly blanket.

Below are two pictures of clean Miss Sarah right after mommy gave her a bath and put a new outfit on her.


Happy Fun Pants said...

Wow. When you see her in her outfit you can tell how tiny she is! But holy cow - she's grown so much already!

Thanks for keeping us posted!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! She is so beautiful!! I wish we were going to get a chance to see her :( We will miss you guys!

LeAnn said...

She is so beautiful. I am not sure we will get up to see you before Saturday. Just know we love you all and are so proud of your little family.
Kris, LeAnn, and Kaylee